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Data Deep Dive with Audience Segmentation

Glocalities delivers marketing intelligence to activate international audiences segmentation based on shared values, lifestyle, and psychology. We have interviewed more than 275,000 people from 35 countries in five waves of global fieldwork. Taken together, this selection of countries contains 63% of the world population and represents 83% of the world economy. The global survey is held every year to ensure continuity of insights and facilitate the continuous development of the program.

The ‘Why’ Behind Behavior and Aspirations

Too many organizations only navigate through the rear-view mirror and make assumptions about audiences which are not backed by data. This is a waste of time and money. Glocalities delivers fact-based and values-driven marketing insights into the ‘why’ behind the behavior and aspirations of people. By understanding the ‘why’, organizations are better able to think and act outside of the box and build lasting relationships based on shared values, psychological persuasion and matching lifestyle.

Glocalities unlocks the human experience and delivers practical insights to activate your target audience. We are experts in researching people’s perspectives on life, their careers, relationships, how they spend their free time, which media they use, their dreams and aspirations, their shopping behavior and consumer attitudes, their views on society, politics and sustainability, but also their fascinations and search for meaning.

Click here for an overview of the Glocalities database.

Watch Glocalities Research Director Martijn Lampert's TedX talk to see an example of how our insights can be put to work:

Please also feel free to download our free reports on interesting topics like eco-conscious consumers, the Muslim consumer, millennials, the SDGs, a Nike case study, and much more...

Marketing & Communications Deliverables

Glocalities delivers practical insights for marketing/communications professionals and strategic decisionmakers in the form of reports, data solutions, workshops, and training. We help companies, NGOs and governments address challenging questions such as:

  • Who is my target audience and how can I align better with their values and lifestyle?
  • How can I segment my target audience and bring focus to my communications?
  • What are the triggers for my audience and how can I best persuade them?
  • Can I have a similar positioning in every market, or do I have to adapt my strategy depending on (sub)cultural differences and local trends?

In five separate waves of fieldwork, Glocalities surveyed over 275,000 respondents in 35 countries and 24 languages. Taken together, this selection of countries contains 63% of the world population and represents 83% of the world economy. The global survey is held every year to ensure continuity of insights and facilitate the continuous development of the program.

In our latest 2020 wave, the survey has been conducted in 28 countries: Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, The Netherlands, Nigeria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, UK, USA, Ukraine and Vietnam.

We also have data available about values statements, values segments, and socio-demographics for the following 7 countries and territories: Argentina, Denmark, Greece, Norway, Switzerland, Taiwan (Republic of China), Thailand.

Glocalities' Survey coverage

Glocalities' global survey coverage

Expertise in Cross-Cultural Marketing Research & Consultancy

The Glocalities research project was established in 2013 by Motivaction research agency in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. We have over 20 years of experience with values-based segmentation in the Netherlands and the world. In preparation of the first Glocalities world survey in 2013, we conducted international qualitative research and consulted cross-cultural experts to identify a list of key items and formulate hypotheses. We used previously conducted international research to develop a hypothetical global segmentation model. We then tested and established the Glocalities values segmentation model in 2014 based on the data of the first wave of Glocalities fieldwork. We constructed the Glocalities segmentation model with latent class analysis, which resulted in 5 values segments. In later research, we validated the Glocalities segmentation model using cross-cultural scales from reputable international researchers of culture and values, such as Inglehart, Schwartz, and Trompenaars.

Glocalities currently employs a dedicated team of full-time researchers/consultants from different cultural backgrounds with expertise in cross-cultural values research, marketing research, strategy consultancy, and public communications.


Martijn Lampert

Research Director

+31 20 589 83 70

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Copyright Glocalities International B.V.
Part of Motivaction International Holding
Marnixkade 109F, 1015 ZL Amsterdam
The Netherlands

T: +31 (0)20 589 83 73

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