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Think Global, Act Local
We are looking for enthusiastic and talented people with a passion for global research! 

Watch: How to Win Pitches and Inspire Projects with Data-driven Personas

Careers at Glocalities

Glocalities is an international market research agency. We are based in Amsterdam and operate at a global level. Our expertise is values-based target audience identification. Helping our clients in aligning their strategies more effectively with consumer needs unlocks many new possibilities for growth. Consumer behavior, trends, and opinions around the globe are shaped by deeply-embedded value orientations. We deliver an in-depth understanding of your international target audience and practical advice for marketing and communications.

Current vacancies at Glocalities:

Glocalities information security mangement
system (ISMS) follows the ISO 27001 standards.

Glocalities terms & conditions

Copyright Glocalities International B.V.
Part of Motivaction International Holding
Marnixkade 109F, 1015 ZL Amsterdam
The Netherlands

T: +31 (0)20 589 83 73

KvK: 73044873
IBAN: NL97 RABO 0334 8899 36
VAT: NL859332500B01

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