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Values in Policy Making

Value-based insights for policies to drive societal change

The power of Glocalities is that we offer a values-based approach that helps organizations in the (public) policy domain to connect with citizens and drive societal change.  

In the past few years we have promoted the introduction of values in policy making to help a multitude of organizations worldwide answer questions such as: 

  • How can policymakers and changemakers understand what citizens want better, by stepping into their shoes? 
  • What is driving citizens' concerns and how to build public support for a sustainable transition of our societies? 
  • How to best frame a policy narrative across different cultures and avoid cultural backlash? 
  • Which target audience should we aim for in a campaign to shift the societal debate? 
  • How can we foster thriving and flourishing societies in an ever changing and uncertain world?  


Our vision: connecting with the roots of human behaviour to drive societal change  

Our goal is to take the pulse of society and provide organizations with direction on how to engage citizens in positive societal change. We have developed a unique research methodology to understand the main drivers of human behaviour: people’s fundamental values, worldviews and belief systems, their modes of storytelling and their hopes and fears for the future.  This is the power of introducing values in policy making.

We start by taking a deep dive into people and the issues at play, based on international surveys. In the next phase, we provide actionable recommendations on how to shape and implement effective policies and campaigns to drive societal change.  

In short, our expertise of policy research pertains to topics such as: 

  • Mapping policy attitudes (e.g. the future of pensions) 
  • Campaigning for societal change (e.g. reducing plastic waste) 
  • Cross-cultural communications (e.g. climate change among youth in upcoming economies) 
  • (Re)connecting with disaffected citizens (e.g. future of Europe) 

Instilling values in policy making has the potential of helping institutions (re)connect with citizens by tapping into people’s key values and resonating with their aspirations and worldview. By following the Glocalities approach, you can finetune your organization’s vision and be an agent of change by “futureproofing” societies

Client Case

Interested? We will be happy to tell you more about policy research in person! 

Values Research for Better Policies
“Pension Challenges for a Thriving Society in 2122”
3 Challenges the EU Must Overcome
Activating Millennial Changemakers for a Decade of Delivery
Millennial consumers around the world are more than 2 billion strong

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Copyright Glocalities International B.V.
Part of Motivaction International Holding
Marnixkade 109F, 1015 ZL Amsterdam
The Netherlands

T: +31 (0)20 589 83 73

KvK: 73044873
IBAN: NL97 RABO 0334 8899 36
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