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About the World of Glocalities App


Web-based tool for experts in:
Branding · Innovation · Sustainability · Research · Business development

Global insights for growth at your fingertips

Companies have a constant need to target specific audiences that will fuel future growth. Once you obtain a deeper understanding of your target audience, you see clear opportunities to adapt your communications and strategic positioning to these people’s needs and values.
The World of Glocalities enables you to align your brand positioning directly to target audiences that fuel growth.

Save time and money with direct answers

• What are the values and lifestyle profile of my target audience?
• How can I communicate and engage with consumers more effectively?
• Where should I adapt my positioning to ensure future growth?
• What is the profile of Gen-Z?
• How can I integrate sustainability into my branding strategy?
• Where to expand next? Which countries and target groups?
• How can I create a stronger alignment between global and local strategies?

Select a target and make the journey!

With this research-based analytics tool, you have the opportunity to select a specific target audience and make a visual journey along with their most differentiating traits. You can profile highly relevant target audiences in comparison to a specific reference group or to the rest of the global or national population concerning many topics.
The World of Glocalities App in each selected journey delivers an average of over 120 relevant and fact-based traits of your target audience, which provide inspiration and input for communications, brand design and consumer engagement purposes.

What will the tool present?

Variables in World of Glocalities App
Screenshot Glocalities Values Segments
Screenshot Brands
Screenshot countries
Screenshot Value Cards

The tool is specifically designed to present the most distinguishing traits of the selected target audience when compared to another group in the population, based on normalized scores and indexes. The built-in algorithms and selection procedure minimize culturally and group specific answering patterns that appear in global surveys. Users have access to the following profiling features: values segments, trends, archetypes, values cards, lifestyle, persuasion, brand and media consumption, charity and sustainability and politics.

The World of Glocalities App improves:
Consumer insight generation · Strategic & tactical marketing · New product development

Glocalities information security mangement
system (ISMS) follows the ISO 27001 standards.

Glocalities terms & conditions

Copyright Glocalities International B.V.
Part of Motivaction International Holding
Marnixkade 109F, 1015 ZL Amsterdam
The Netherlands

T: +31 (0)20 589 83 73

KvK: 73044873
IBAN: NL97 RABO 0334 8899 36
VAT: NL859332500B01

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