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Changing the narrative about international cooperation with archetypes

Building support for international cooperation is about appealing to people’s values

The second edition of the Global Solidarity Report was launched by Global Nation in New York during the week of UNGA (the United Nations General Assembly meeting).  

Because international cooperation is increasingly under stress we contributed to the report with an article combining our latest trend study about increasing polarization with Glocalities insights on storytelling and narrative change.  

The full article can be read at page 33-34 of the Global Solidarity Report. Below we already share one of the key insights from our contribution. 

Meeting people where they are instead of trying to shift the world to one set of values

Societies and population segments the world over will always have a range of attitudes based on culture, upbringing and other factors, and so giving every person a reason to want global cooperation irrespective of their value base is far more realistic than attempting to shift the world to one set of values. 

Learning from the Ruler archetype narrative to connect with conservative segments

In the article we illustrate that building support for global cooperation is about appealing to people’s values foremost, instead of trying to win a debate. Based on the international Glocalities methodology and survey data we describe how international cooperation can be promoted using a Ruler archetype narrative that resonates with conservative population segments. Rather than trying to shift conservative attitudes, advocates for global cooperation should instead appeal to them in order to get more people on board and build a broader coalition. 

Emphasizing the importance of strong governance and frameworks for reducing risk 

We describe how the Ruler archetype narrative can be used constructively for promoting international cooperation by emphasizing the importance of strong governance, strategic alliances and international law to prevent conflict, reduce risks and maintain order. By collaborating with international allies, national interests and global stability can be safeguarded much better than by attempting to do so independently. Based on the deeper needs of generally more conservative people who resonate with the Ruler archetype we also stress the value of efficient structures created by multilateral agreements. These frameworks reduce risk and promote fair trade, economic growth and innovation. Such collaborations foster an environment where businesses and economies can grow responsibly, offering opportunities for an ambitious young generation to develop and thrive. 

The capacity for moral reframing based on data is pivotal for building coalitions 

Over the last decade, studies of moral reframing – which involves presenting a position in a way that aligns with an individual’s moral values – have shown its effectiveness across a wide range of polarized topics. To quote from our original trend survey report, “The capacity to navigate a polarized environment through a lens of shared values is paramount for leaders, policymakers, and communicators alike. This necessitates the ability to empathize with various national and international citizen groups and perceive the world from their perspectives.’’  

With a deeper understanding of how people’s attitudes and values foster or undermine support for global cooperation, we can craft narratives to increase support – a far easier task than shifting the attitudes themselves (in the short term at least). The article provides an example of how this can be done. 

Read our article (page 33-34) in the Report ‘’Overcoming division in a multipolar world’’ 

We very much recommend reading Global Solidarity Report, which contains many relevant analyses and contributions. The findings of the Global Solidarity Report 2024 issue a stark warning as power shifts continue and divisions between countries seemingly widen.  

With international institutions at breaking point due to tensions between great powers not seen since the Cold War, the authors ask: How can we overcome division in a multipolar world? While sounding a clear warning, this report also suggests that there are actions rooted in the science of solidarity that can be taken to build a world of shared purpose, continuing the trajectory towards a united world. 

Martijn Lampert

Research Director

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