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Liberalism among young women accelerated, but young men have stagnated in this regard

A longitudinal analysis by international research agency Glocalities based on over 300,000 completed surveys in 20 countries between 2014 and 2023 reveals a growing divide between young men and young women. Young women have significantly strengthened their embrace of liberal and anti-patriarchal values over the last decade while young men increasingly are lagging behind in this trend.

It is a sign of the times that, while in 2014 older men (aged 55-65) were the most conservative and younger men (18-24) were significantly more liberal, almost 10 years later young men have become even less liberal than older men. Despite ongoing progress, the advancement of young men during the past decade towards liberal values has been the slowest compared to all other groups.

Growing despair and societal disillusionment among both young women and men

Over the last decade, there has been a surge in feelings of hopelessness and societal discontent among both younger men and women (18-24). Increasing feelings of despair and disillusionment are also present among citizens aged 25-34, and to a lesser extent among citizens aged 35-54. At the same time, people above 55 generally have become more hopeful and content with society as it is.

Radical right increasingly finds fertile ground among young men, which is already impacting elections

The increasing despair and discontent among young adults is fueling political divides even further. As political polarization increasingly extends into gender amidst growing disillusionment, it impacts elections around the world. Feelings of hopelessness, societal disillusionment and rebelling against cosmopolitan values partly explain the rise of radical right anti-establishment parties. Now young men are stagnating in their progress towards liberal values, the radical right in many countries increasingly resonates with disillusioned conservative segments among them, who do not feel that establishment parties are serving their interests.

This trend has already impacted elections in Poland, Portugal, Germany, Netherlands, Slovakia and South Korea. If policy priorities and electoral strategies remain unchanged, this trend will likely impact the European Elections in June, the US presidential elections in November and more elections to come.

Report download offers detailed analysis and context

You can download the report on this page and gain detailed insights into the following topics:  

  • Analysis and explanation of the international trends
  • Underlying causes and implications of the trends
  • Filter bubbles, algorithms and the need for policy change
  • How to counter regressive trends
  • How to build broad coalitions to help the young generation thrive
  • Case: Analysis of trends in 7 EU countries, which are home to 3 in 4 EU citizens
  • Case: Analysis of trends in the USA
  • Case: Narratives that resonate with young men in the EU who vote radical right
  • Methodology and applications of the Glocalities research approach

Media impact

In collaboration with the Reuters foundation we have released this report on Friday April 12, 2024. The Reuters news article ‘’Despair makes young US men more conservative ahead of US Election’’ can be found here and the news article ‘’ World more liberal but pessimistic, global survey finds’’ can be found here.

On Wednesday May 29, New York Times Political Columnist and Columbia University Professor Thomas Edsall cited our trend research report extensively in his article ‘’The Gender Gap is Now a Gender Gulf’’ in the light of the US Presidential Elections. His article can be read here.

The survey release has been published by more than 200 (online) media in dozens of countries and languages, including the following:

Japan Times
The Straits Times
CNBC Africa
Daily Mail
Colorado Springs Gazette
Cyprus Mail
Taipei Times
Sindo News

In the Netherlands the Philantrophy Platform De Dikke Blauwe published this article about the trend survey and implications.

On May 23 American Think Tank Brookings cited our trend survey results in an article about the growing gender gap in relation to the US elections.

Find out more about Glocalities

At Glocalities we are specialized in deeply understanding citizens from around the world and the values that they resonate with. Incorporating values based insights is increasingly relevant for organizations that want to connect with broader segments in society, effectively navigate polarization and build coalitions.  

  • Read more about our research methodology and the countries that we cover here
  • Want to know more about the Glocalities Insights Platform? Check this page
  • Here you can read more about our expertise, practical applications and cases  
  • And here you can watch an interview with our Research Director

Overview of topics in the Glocalities research program

For more information about the trend study and Glocalities, please contact Martijn Lampert.

Martijn Lampert

Research Director

+31 (0)20 589 83 73

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