Glocalities Employee Corner - Nanna Buhl
Can you tell us about yourself?
I come from Denmark! The city I come from (Værløse) is impossible for other people to pronounce, so I usually just say that I am from outside of Copenhagen. I have lived in a couple of different cities in Denmark, but have also had a brief stint in Brazil! Before high school I did an exchange year in Curitiba, Brazil where I lived went to school. I learned a great deal there (and also had a lot of fun) and I hope to be able to visit Brazil again soon as I have not been back since.
How long have you been living in the Netherlands? And for how long have you been working for Glocalities?
I came to the Netherlands to get my master’s degree in communication at the University of Amsterdam almost 3 years ago. I started working at Glocalities as an intern pretty much right after graduating, so I will soon have worked at Glocalities for 2 years.
What are your responsibilities at Glocalities?
As a researcher, my responsibilities are mainly in creating the reports. A big part of my time is spent analysing the data and presenting the findings in the best way possible for the client. I really enjoy finding the little snippets of information and to pass these on so they can help out clients.
What part of your job do you like most?
I really like when I get to be a little creative. I love finding new ways to present the data and answer our client’s questions. And then I really like when I get to joke around with my colleagues at the office (although technically not a part of my job description, I do enjoy that a lot!).
How do you feel about inclusivity?
I think that including more (different kinds) of people is extremely important when we are trying to solve the problems of the world. If we want to create a better world for everyone, everyone should be included in that conversation. In order to do that it is very important that people are aware of their biases and willing to open up for everyone to take part, and I unfortunately do not think that happens enough just now.
What makes you happy in life?
Dancing! I have been dancing for most of my life and my school years were mainly spent in dance classes and competitions (my parents have quite a few medals and awards in their basement that they for some reason still have not gotten rid of). I unfortunately don’t have time to dance as much anymore, but take classes around dance studios in Amsterdam when I get the change. And around the bars as well
Would you like to say something to clients or prospects of Glocalities?
Happy that you are here!