Glocalities Research Director Martijn Lampert at Boom Marketing on November 20th, 2019

Throughout the years, advertisers have effectively used comedy to deliver messages to their target audiences. It is a smart marketing strategy because audiences "always liked funny commercials" and they usually worked - sometimes remarkably well... But sometimes they failed. This is what general research up-to-date has found to explain the humor-phenomenon in advertising:
- The Benefits: Attention-grabbing, higher recall, shareability, liking, trust in brand
- The Threats: Bad timing, negative impact on brand memory, brand misalignment, tasteless/ offensive use of humor
Thus, the Jester Archetype is an effective tool to convey a memorable message, but you have to make sure that your target audience would appreciate the joke!
So, knowing WHO you are talking to is essential in order to design a strategy for the use of humor in your campaign. Glocalities’ global target audience insights can help you to predict and potentially prevent a backlash. Making sure that your funny message resonates with your target audience and drives growth.

(Based on Golden Circle Simon Sinek)
An ad is a story, and stories depend on archetypes that are universally understood. The archetype telling jokes and making people laugh is naturally the Jester. Glocalities provides global survey data from more than over 230,000 respondents in 32 countries and 23 languages. We can profile your target audience and predict whether the Jester archetype resonates with them.

Facts on the Jester Archetype
The jester wants to live in the moment, play, lighten up the world and experience joy.
Funny - Sly - Playful – Pleasure
On November 20th, 2019 Glocalities Research Director Martijn Lampert spoke about all the values, lifestyles, and psychology that unites people around the world who like the Jester at the Boom Marketing event at Boom Chicago in Amsterdam
But...who doesn't like the Jester? In his speech, Martijn also provided insights on global audiences who do not like the Jester and explained what makes them tick instead.