Milieudefensie is the Dutch branch of the Friends of the Earth International network. This is the largest environmental network in the world with national organizations in 75 different countries. Together with 2 million members and donors worldwide, we campaign for a sustainable and fair world.
Have an overview of the size of its target groups
Deeply understand people who are willing to contribute to campaigns
Further refine its tone, language and story
‘’Wijnand Duyvendak, Project Director at Milieudefensie’’
Challenge and solutions
What was your initial goal for the project and why did you choose Glocalities?
Concerns about the climate crisis are great. Many people want to contribute in their own way to tackling this major problem. The campaign of Milieudefensiefocuses on large polluting companies: it is our commitment that they reduce their CO2 emissions to meet the guidelines of the Paris Agreement (2015). To this end, Milieudefensieis building a major movement to put pressure on these companies through public actions and legal cases.
Milieudefensieneeded in-depth information about the people who would be willing to contribute to our campaigns.
Milieudefensiejoined forces with Glocalities to benefit from all the knowledge hidden in their large and up-to-date database, and alsobecause of their values-driven approach.
Did the Glocalities insights support or change your communication strategy? If yes, how?
Glocalities was able to clearly show the size of our target group, what its characteristics are, what distinguishes it from the rest and how it can be reached. This did not lead to completely new insights, but it did further deepen our existing insights. It is remarkable how much relevant data Glocalities can present.
With this information, we can further refine our tone, our language and our story.
“It is remarkable how much relevant data Glocalities can present.”
“It is remarkable how much relevant data Glocalities can present.”
What is the conclusion/insight that stood out to you the most from the research?
That there is such a large group of Dutch people who support our strategy to tackle large polluting companies.
Did the Glocalities services meet your expectations?
Glocalities works quickly, is customer-oriented and has a wealth of information and analyses to offer.